Author: TreeProject Communications

Campbell Gome - 2019
Bringing science to life for primary school kidsRemember hearing all those sighs of delight and relief from parents across Victoria as kids resumed school following the Covid lockdowns?! It wasn’t such a long time ago when virtual learning was the norm, it was an adjustment for everyone…

Acacia Paradoxa
TreeProject Volunteer Growing MemoriesWritten by Carolyn Gilpin, Volunteer Grower of more than two decades. I can’t recall how I heard about TreeProject volunteer growing but I decided it was something useful and green I could do in the backyard of my parents’ home,…

Johnson Plantings
How birds healed their broken hearts…Phil Johnson and his wife Sarah had dreamed of setting up home on a property that had amazing potential to create an incredible environment and habitat for wildlife. Their search led them to the Yarra Valley, a region full of…

First Time Grower With Seedlings
Confessions of a first-time grower Next weekend I’ll have mixed feelings when I deliver my trees to a farmer in Yellingbo, marking the end of my first growing season with TreeProject.   A nervous beginning  The excitement of handing over my plants feels like when I…

Why I volunteer at planting days
Why I joined as a planting day volunteerMy name is Jeremiah and I currently work here as a Library Officer with a local council but in a previous life I was a farmer in County Cork, Ireland. The Irish Government had a reforestation project in which I participated,…

New Life New Trees
New Life…New TreesA shoutout to each and every TreeProject supporter. We’d love to hear your story too! Hi, I’m Agus, founder of Faunus’ Dream, a small business that collects babies clothes, washes and reconditions them and then offers them in beautiful, zero-waste…

Treeproject Volunteers
We planted a lot more than trees that day…“Jamie and I just wanted to share how wonderful our recent experience with TreeProject has been. We live on 120 acres of cleared land that was settled in the 1800s. There are very few trees left of what was once…

Brachychiton populneus, Kurrajong
8000 seedlings headed to bushfire affected area in Upper MurrayRemember the feature image from our first edition of The Leaflet? We thought you may be interested to know that those seedlings [Brachychiton populneus | Kurrajong] are being grown by TreeProject volunteers for a project in collaboration with Upper Murray Landcare and…